Thursday, October 28, 2021

Van Gogh

 Back in 1973 I was an exchange student to Brighton College of Education in England.  One weekend my group flew to Amsterdam.  I am so glad that I did.  I am a good bit Dutch in origin.  It was spring and the bulbs were blooming.  It felt as though we saw all of Amsterdam, but I am sure that isn't true.  But, one thing we did see was the museum of Vincent Van Gogh.

I didn't know much about artists at the time.  I learned a good bit about Van Gogh at his museum.  His life seemed so hauntingly sad to me.  It is thus with creative people sometimes.  They don't fit in.  I liked his pictures and the way he told his story in his pictures.

My sister came over and we went to this Van Gogh show.  The paintings were sometimes animated and moved. They were projected in giant size. It was really interesting.  But, of all the things I saw,, the one that sticks the most is that Vincent Van Gogh signed his paintings Vincent because he thought Van Gogh would be too difficult to pronounce. He thought about people.  He had a concern for people.  He needed to be cared for.  He had a rather sad story.  He produced beautiful art.

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