Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Needle In the Haystack

 I am not sure who these sewers were who were sitting on on haystacks.  There would be good light outside.  But, I can't imagine that sitting on a haystack sewing would be very comfortable.  It would not be a good place to sew a new garment or make a quilt.  But, there must have been at least one seamstress who sat on a haystack because she lost her needle there.  And couldn't find it.

I can so empathize with that seamstress.  I have lost a few needles in my time.  I would say that I have learned to be careful, careful-er.  But last week, sitting on the sofa a needle fell and was lost.  I mean lost.  I carefully went through everything, everything.  I looked and looked. The needle was no where to be found.  It is still not found.  I expect that someday when I least expect it, I will sit on it or step on it.  Needles are matter and matter is neither created nor destroyed.  That needle is still here somewhere. But, I totally recognize that sometimes things get lost like a needle in a haystack.

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