Tuesday, October 5, 2021


 As an almost 68 year old, I am eligible for a Covid vaccine booster. I debated whether I should wait a while.  I wondered how long this one would last.  But, I decided that I would take my chances and do it now.  I have high hopes that by spring the virus will be on thee run.  If it isn't, it may be a new variant and perhaps there would even be a different shot.  Who knows?  But, being protected now is the only thing I have control over.  So, I made an appointment and did it.

I was hoping to feel some side effects and I wasn't disappointed.  I felt achy and tired.  I had swollen lymph nodes.  I shivered a bit.   I hope that means that the vaccine took. All in all the small side effects were well worth it.

I wish more people would get the virus.  I haven't heard a lot of good arguments from the unvaccinated people I know. They think they will be protected.  They think the virus isn't that bad.  They think it shows support for the Republican Party. I really don't understand any of it. I know several people who have died from this virus. 

So, I got the booster.  It was so much easier than the first round.  I drove 100 miles one way for the first round, so 400 miles altogether.  I did that so I could go to Easter Mass.  It was worth it.  But, this time I was able to make an appointment the same day and drive about one mile to get the shot.  It was easy pea-sy lemon squeezy. What a difference 6 months makes.

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