It seems like in common parlance in the USA today one has to either be a fascist or a socialist. I am neither. I believe in democracy. For democracy to survive there must be an educated and intelligent populace. Holding one's opinion while not hating those who differ seems a key to civil society.
I hate it that there are sides and hate. Hate. Hate led to our Civil War. Are we headed there again? Can we not focus on the things we have in common instead of the opinions that divide us? Because most of us love our families. Most of us believe in God, at least some sort of god. Most of us would like to win the lottery. Most of us want to feel safe in our homes and communities. Most of us want a better life for our children. At least I think most of us want those things.
I don't like either of our political parties run by the old white men. Rich men. Powerful men. I don't feel that anyone on the political scene today represents me. But, I will vote for the lesser of evils. I will vote.
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