Friday, December 25, 2020

Rejoice, Rejoice

 In this year of pandemic and quiet and small celebrations, when things aren't ideal, it is good to remember that when Christ came it wasn't ideal.  He was born in a stable and laid in a manger.  This wasn't the way babies were received even back in those days.  This was not the way Mary and Joseph would have planned to have a baby.

The political leaders in those days were not, it would seem very good or nice people.  The Romans were brutal occupiers of Israel.  The Jewish leaders who collaborated with the Romans were not good people.  The religious leaders, for the most part don't sound like particularly good people.  What I am trying to say is that times were tough. Things were not easy or prosperous or just. Jesus came anyway.  

So, it is in a small way for all of us this year.  Our celebrations are called on to be small.  Unlike the holy family who were forced to travel, we all are being told to stay home. Isolated, lonely, sad might describe this year for some of us. But, Jesus is still coming, still came. 

Somewhere in my heart I will find a way to celebrate without all of the trappings.  I won't even go to church this year for Christmas.  I will attend online. But, finding Christ isn't about the celebrations.  It is about accepting the love and forgiveness that I am offered.

I will rejoice. Rejoice! Rejoice! 

Merry, blessed Christmas!

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