Thursday, September 17, 2020

Ignore It

 Sandpaper, that is what some people are, they are sandpaper.  They are the sandpaper that shines me up and makes me ready for heaven.  My whole life I have danced to different people's drummers rather than my own.  That is not to say that I had loose morals or gave in on moral issues to others.  But, when they criticized me, told me that I needed to change or that I was wrong, I listened and tried to change. I turned myself into pretzels to please other people.

Looking t my behavior, I did rather crazy self denying things.  If someone criticized me and I was unable to change to please them, I would buy or make them a present, say something complementary, or practice being extra nice.  I never really looked fully at the fact that they were criticizing or manipulating me.  I never considered that they didn't have a right to do that.

Lately there is someone in my life who lectures me as if I were a 13 year old.  Since I am more than twice her age, it is more than a little insulting to be talked to that way. At first I fell into old patterns of trying to please that person, buying or making little gifts, trying to conform my behavior to their expectations. But, I had a moment, as they say.  I recognized that the other person was wrong in their criticism, that I had a right to be me, and trying to please them was counter productive.  I felt some turmoil in this decision, but I know that it is the right thing.  I choose to ignore them.  They have no right to tell me what they did, how they did.  So, I can pretend that I don't remember or that I didn't hear them or I can even decide to forget what they said.

If I am right with God in my behavior, than I don't owe another person anything. Criticism is not holy in my experience.  Trying to make another person feel inferior is wrong. I dance with God.  I don't need to please someone else.  Thank God I learned that lesson. Thank God.

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