Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Success/ Failure

 I am still hanging in with my parakeets.  Their names are Abu and Achoo.  These days I am more achoo.  The air purifier needs new filters and I haven't dealt with that yet, so my sinuses are going crazy. Achoo is molting. I spend most of my time not in the same room with them.  They will never bond with me at this rate.  I probably should find them a new home.

But, then I ask myself, "Is this just one more failure to add to the list? One more thing you couldn't do?" Or is it making a wise decision for my health? During a pandemic is not a time to have sinus problems. So, I have stumbled along. caring for these birds and trying to stay healthy.  Wanting to have success, but asking, is the answer deciding to make them work or deciding to move on?

I am not a quit-er. I keep at something long past the point that most people would have thrown in the towel.  This is often not a good thing.  Holding on just to hold on can be a big mistake. For now I wait.  I have asked God for some guidance in this.  I believe that the way will be made clear if I just listen.  Sometimes when I don't know what to do, just do nothing, but listen.

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