Friday, September 4, 2020

Busy, Busy, Busy

Since I watch my grandchildren 5 days a week and do at least 3 Zoom meetings a week as well as walk a mile or two every evening and take care of the necessities, I am pretty busy.  I also have arranged to pick up my grandson and spend an afternoon on the weekends with him at my house. Sometimes I feel too busy.  I wish for more time off.  I think I would like more sleep. I think about all I need to get done.

Then I remember the start of the pandemic when I didn't have much going on.  I got depressed.  I got 2 parakeets to help me with that and now I constantly have to clean up after them. But, I binge watched a lot of television and I didn't sleep very well. When nothing is going on, I get nothing done. Nothing.

I have a lot going on this weekend.  Then the following weekend I have an extra 2 days.  I imagine that I would like to go somewhere, but I can't imagine anywhere that I would feel safe going. I have a lot of sorting and cleaning out to do. I have boxes in the basement of stuff from my mom's apartment, teaching stuff, remains of the marriage that neither of us wanted. There are way too many boxes of Christmas stuff. There are containers of clothing that testify to my changing sizes.  And I am not sure what else, but the basement needs clearing. I have several quilting projects and a writing project.  And I can go to daily Mass on those extra days. This is not to mention cleaning bathrooms, kitchen, floors, and so forth.  I have enough to do.

I can't give up any of my Zoom meetings or other commitments just yet.  I need to find the right balance of busy and not busy to keep me away from depression, and to be a productive citizen. I remind myself of this when I start to feel too busy.  I need to keep busy.

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