Thursday, September 3, 2020

Singing the Blues

 Saturday night I popped out a gold crown while flossing.  I suppose this means I am no longer a queen. Floss down and slide through, I have been told that before.  Why don't I remember? On the list of important things, that little piece of knowledge didn't stick.  It was just a matter of time before this happened though because there appears to be decay underneath.

When something like this happens I long for somebody to reassure me that it is going to be okay.  I wanted somebody to say, "There, there, it isn't so bad.  You just have to make the phone call and show up.  It will be somebody else's job to fix it." So, I said that to myself and went to bed.

But, I am tired of all of it.  Tired of the IRS, jury duty, the tooth, and other such decisions.  All of them are first world problems.  I am so fortunate to have such easy problems. Despite my rising anxiety, I am blessed and I need to remember that.

And since I wrote that a few days ago God has shown me great mercy and love.  The new dentist was able to clean off the old gold crown and reattach it.  I didn't even need a shot.  I was in and out in less than an hour.  So, now I may be a queen again?  I am deferred from jury duty until the pandemic is over, I also heard since I whined my blues. I thought maybe jury duty was the way the virus was going to get me.  But, I am excused for now.  I am still in hot water with the IRS, or they are in hot water with me. I paid, they just haven't opened my check yet.  Come and get me. My blues have a much less minor note today. Praise God!

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