Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Bad Times

 "Bad times, hard times, this is what people keep saying; but let us live well, and times shall be good. We are the times: Such as we are, such are the times." St Augustine of Hippo (354-430)

One of my parish priests quoted St Augustine in his homily this past Sunday. It really caught my attention because I have been living in the hard times, the bad times and sometimes that has overwhelmed me lately. It seems to me that things are going from bad to worse to worse with no end in sight. Yes, I hear myself living in the bad times, the hard times.

So, the challenge is to live well. To live well, what does that mean?  Focusing on the good in my life the good that is to come.  Making my life count and living faithfully.  Not getting mired down by the bad news. Working to make a better world, a better life.  Using what I have and not expecting someone else to do it for me.

I have been gifted with 2 beautiful grandchildren.  I am winning over the baby girl and the young lad is clearly in my corner.  If it were not for the pandemic I am sure that I would find other things to do on the weekends than to play with my grandson. I so enjoy listening to his voice and watching his little brain whirl and circle around ideas.  Language is popping out of him like magic.  On Sunday he told my parakeets, "See you tomorrow."  This was not true, but I think he has a sketchy idea of the meaning of tomorrow. But it seems as though a week or two ago, him saying such a thing would have been beyond imagination. Now the unexpected phrases pop out.  He has such a sense of humor.  We pretend sneeze during the car ride home and laugh and laugh.

Gardening has been a struggle at this house.  It continues to be.  But the odd marigold I can get to bloom feels like such a victory.  My expensive thorn-less blackberry bush has decided to live and my mouth waters for the blackberries I will pick next summer.

I have done lectio divina every day for almost a year.  It has brought me closer to God in my prayer life. God has spoken to me in fresh and interesting ways this year.  I plan to continue this prayer form. It has become my habit.

I have had a few appearances at daily Mass and faithfully view the Sunday Mass online..  The online part is such a blessing.  As I listen to the singing and see the occasional person there without a mask, I am glad that the Mass obligation is removed. I did duck into Confession a week or so ago. I long for more church contacts in my life, but it will happen if I just stay safe for another year or so.  Maybe less.

I long to travel and to go see friends, but it will happen.  There is a future full of hope.  There is more I could do in the here and now to stay in touch. And so many dreams and plans for the future.  I think I will do less shopping.  Not that I was a big shopper, but the fabric store was my treat, my hobby.  I own too much fabric as a consequence of that.  I need to consider what I would really like to do and to do that.

I have rambled on enough about the living I am doing and plan to do.  I will try to remember to live a good life, and exemplary life and not to worry about the bad times. I will dance in the rain as the saying goes.  I will make lemonade out of these lemons.

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