Monday, September 28, 2020

Happy Birthday. Little Bro

 One of my brothers has a birthday today. He is up in his 60s so birthdays aren't such a big fun deal anymore. I was just old enough to remember when this brother was born.  The story of my picking him up as a newborn and carrying him across the room has been told so many times that I almost think that I remember when it happened.  I am sure that I remember that Grandma Ella came and stayed with my next brother and me while Mom was in the hospital. He was born while we lived in Thomson, but we moved soon after his birth and he has no memory of that village.

He served in the military for a whole career and then worked for a park district for a second career and finally retired from a home improvement store stocking job a year or so ago. He lost his first wife to cancer and his second to divorce.  He has a beautiful daughter in high school. We don't speak often, but for me he is a rock, someone I can count on. 

Happy birthday, Bro.  I think of all the families who choose to have only 2 children.  We would have missed you if you hadn't been part of our family.  Third children are a blessing. A gift from God.

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