Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Winter, Go Away

 When my grandchildren are bothered by someone they quickly shout, "Go Away!"  It isn't the most polite thing to say, but it gets the point across.  I have been told to Go Away a few times.  As an adult, I have learned not to shout Go Away to people who bother me.

The winter this year hasn't been bad so far.  We haven't had much snow.  We have had a couple of severe cold snaps. I didn't have to be out in it. I am ready for the days to get longer.  They have been slowly moving in that direction, but I want more.  Still. this winter hasn't been too bad.

Now that I don't have to get out in it to care for my grandchildren, the snow doesn't really matter that much.  I will stay in on the snow days.  But, I am tired of winter.  I am tired of winter.  I know it will get worse before it gets over, but I would like to say to winter--Go Away!

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