Friday, January 28, 2022

Spam. Spam. Spam!

 My phone blocks spam several times a day.  Spam comes in the middle of the night, in the middle of the day and at all other times.  I don't answer numbers that I do not recognize.  My G---gle assistant ask most of them to state their reason for calling and most spammers hang up.  The text versions come through and some go directly to spam awaiting my decision as to whether to block it or not.  I block it.

What I wonder is--why all of this spam?  Do people respond to it?  Do they think that abusive substances and media doctors are things to get via texts?  It is annoying even though it is blocked.  But, why can't there be a stop to it?  What can't there be fines?  Can't the phone company do something? Can't the government?

I don't know the answer to these questions or what to do about the spam, if there is anything to do.  But, I don't exaggerate, I get multiple spams every day. Spam, spam go away, don't come back, ever!

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