Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Hard to Love

 My state has less than 50% of the adults vaccinated.  So, it isn't surprising that I personally know people who have chosen to skip the shot.  Still, sometimes I am surprised. Why? Why?

Recently, I talked to a woman who has cancer (under control) and her husband has cancer (still working on the control).  Their senior in college daughter lives with them in the summer and works at a camp with unvaccinated kids.  She is going to become a teacher and will student teach in the upcoming school year.  And she chooses to skip the shot.  Her mother, who doesn't support her decision, says that the daughter's rationale is that she is being careful.  The parents are worried on a number of levels.  I would probably have told the girl that I loved her, but that she would have to stay elsewhere until she got the vaccine.  I still work on control issues.

I know some others who are skipping the shot.  I wish I could say that I heard sound reasoning on their parts, but I mainly heard excuses and that the government can't make me. I have to admit that I am working on love.  I am working on giving up judging and wanting to control people.  I realize that there is nothing I can do about these people.  My anger and even despair will not change their minds.

I felt a little hopeless when I concluded that all I can do is pray.  Yet, when I thought about it, prayer is probably the most powerful tool. I will pray for them. I will give them to God and put away my snarky comments and judgements.  I will pray for them.

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