Friday, July 30, 2021

Cleaning Diaries

 I have too much stuff and most of it isn't organized.  I hate to send something to the landfill if it still has a use.  I kick myself over all the things I have gotten rid of and then repurchased at a later date. I might be borderline hoarder.  Maybe I am definitely hoarder.  One just doesn't like to think of oneself in that way.

I am trying.  I am trying with renewed vigor because it occurs to me that I am not going to live forever. There is a lot of stuff that my son could put in a dumpster that would be no great loss.  But, there is some stuff that the archivist in me would like to see preserved.  So, I got a document camera and I am trying to keep a record of it.

I have also made contact with the Oklahoma History Museum which is where some of the stuff belongs in the end.  I need to take it there. It is just deciding that I am done with it that is the problem.  When am I finished with it?

And then there is the sentimental stuff.  Mom's highchair and baby chairs, Dad's baby plate and Christening cup, and some stuff that belonged to my grandparents.  And some stuff that my uncle made that I would like to pass on to his great grandchildren, because mine won't treasure it like his will.

So, I work and work on things and feel like I am getting no where.  It is one step forward and two steps back.  I need that Marie lady to come over.  She likes to deal with messes.  

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