My grandson soon turns three years old. I almost can't remember a time when this little person wasn't in my life. His set point is happy, which helps to make him a joy. He gets angry and frustrated, but his general demeanor is happy. He is quick to laugh and easy to please.
Now that he talks he is a little more demanding. Sometimes he comes to me and says "Be me." I am not sure how to do that. My set point is not happy. I have a hard time thinking like a three year old. I have questioned him on this, "How am I supposed to be you?" He answers, "Be me." I was completely puzzled.
Then he said again, "Be me." This time he went, "Buzz." Oh, BEE Me. I didn't recognize that use of bee as a verb. So, I buzzed and used my finger to BEE him. Sting.
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