My son's deck has a spot up near the covered roof that is highly prized for bird nests. This year they are on their second batch of baby robins. It is a different nest and different mothers. I know this because my son tore down the first nest after the robins ledged and flew away.
This was probably a mistake because a new robin moved in immediately, and built a new nest. This nest was smaller than the first and this robin was cagier than the first one was. I didn't catch a glimpse of her until she was about to hatch the eggs.
Now that they are hatched, this mama robin dive bombs and attacks anyone on the deck. The first robin was very tolerant. I think she had a live a let live philosophy. Even though it has only been a few days and now that the chicks are hatched will only be a little while more, this robin thing is getting old. After he went on the deck to prepare to grill today my son said that he was thinking about grilled robin for dinner. (He was only kidding, I think.)
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