Saturday, May 8, 2021

Boring Post--Pacifier Flinging

 Little miss granddaughter is now a one year old.  She has new expectations for herself.  One of them is to totally resist naps.  Since I am I one who puts her down for naps, this has become my problem.  I think we have agreed to go to one nap a day which should make things a little easier.  That is one battle instead of two. I do think that the top front teeth that seem to be taking a sweet forever to come in are part of the issue.

Anyway, for naps I do what I call the "rock and roll."  I sit in the swivel rocker and rock up and down and roll side to side.  In many or most cases this winter, I was a master at putting that little girl to sleep.  But, not so much lately.  She arches her back, she screams, she pulls my hair and takes off my glasses. Her latest trick is reaching up slowly and quietly, grabbing her pacifier and flinging it to the farthest part of the room.  The girl has a good arm. I have to retrieve it since she doesn't go to sleep without a pacifier. This interrupts the napping processes.  Having a spare pacifier close by doesn't help because she can fling it too.  When I have stopped the flinging, she screams.

 I may not be around to see the day, but I am imagining that this granddaughter will someday receive an athletic scholarship for some sport, maybe volleyball.  And it all began during Grandma's rock and roll time.

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