Saturday, May 15, 2021

Boring Post for Saturday--Elle

 My granddaughter is an unusual gal.  At 12 months she is really beginning to show her personality.  That personality is determined.  Where her brother is and was an easy going character at that age and still is, Elle is more determined, more fussy, and more likely to scream if she is not getting her way.  She is moving around enough that she "does" things and moves things and puts things.

Elle is the kind of girl who will grab a sock and relocate it in another room, on a shelf or behind a door.  It looks intentional, but what the motivation is, I can't guess. The other day she had a project.  There is a tall wooden shelf in the living room filled with games.  Elle took a small green bunny that she got for Easter and carefully put it on the 3rd shelf up, above her head.  It didn't stay the first time, she made several attempts before she got it to stay.  Then she took her brother's shoes, one at a time, and placed them carefully on the same shelf.  They also took several tries before they stayed. Then she put one of my shoes on a lower shelf, but gave up putting the other one up.

It is so interesting to watch little brains develop.  I wonder what is going on in that little mind.  Was she cleaning up like her parents do before they vacuum?  Was it just a challenge to see if she could make the shoes stay?  I don't know. But, I write these things down so that I don't forget them.

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