Thursday, May 13, 2021

Back to Mass

 I have been physically present at Mass since I was able to go for Easter.  I am starting to see people I recognize from pre-pandemic times, even if I don't know their names. I have to admit I am much more comfortable waving at the sign of peace than I ever was at hand shaking.  I still find myself tearing up a bit each week at Mass as the reality hits that I am really there, and that I am going to receive Jesus personally.  It is such a gift.

But, even though we are socially distanced, every other row, and masked, I am uncomfortable that mask wearing has gotten sloppy.  The man I used to see when I watched livestreamed who didn't wear a mask, still comes to church without a mask.  He sat behind me this week.  It made me mad, which isn't how I am supposed to feel at Mass.

The thing is, I am relatively safe.  I have had both shots.  I wear double masks. We are 6 feet apart.  He probably isn't sick.  But, I don't want any of the variants that might not make me sick, but might be carried to m grandchildren or perhaps to my mom, who at 100 might have a weakened immune system even though she is vaccinated.  There are signs going into church and free masks offered.  This man is defying the system, it seems to me.

As mad as I felt, I turned to the thing I know, I pray for him and for all the other people who in my opinion are not showing love and care for their fellow humans.  I pray that their minds and hearts will open.  I pray for me and my anger.  I am so happy to be back at Mass.

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