Saturday, January 23, 2021

Boring Post for Saturday--Grandma's Here

 Last weekend was a three day weekend for my son and daughter in law.  I got my grandson on Sunday and we spent a long hard day playing at my house.  His daddy picked him up later than usual because he was picking up a pizza at a place near my house for my daughter in law's birthday. AJ was anxious to leave by 5.  He begged to go home.  It had been a long hard day playing. I joked that it was a good thing he had a day off from me on Monday.

On Tuesday when I came to watch the kids, I heard that perhaps my grandson was not done with me.  The parents told me that on Monday, my son, the daddy, went outside to take the Christmas lights down.  Every time he popped into the house, AJ would run around announcing--"Grandma's here! Grandma's here!" His parent told him that I wasn't coming that day, but he kept expecting me.

I have a close relationship with my grandson.  I love his sister too, but she is a horse of a different color, a different personality.  It remains to be seen how our relationship will develop, my granddaughter and me.  But, AJ, for now is mine, my favorite boy.

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