The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary was this week. As my DIL commented, it was great that she was born on her due date. (Immaculate Conception Dec. 8) Of course, the Church picks figurative dates, there is nothing literal about the date of the feasts. How could anyone know when Mary was conceived or born? But she was and picking a date to celebrate is just fine.
It happens that my grand daughter turned 5 months this week on Mary's birthday. This baby cries, a lot. She seems to have a temper or a short fuse or poor coping skills or poor sleeping skills. As I took my walk on Mary's birthday I asked her to pray for me and this grand baby and help us to develop a better relationship. I need for her to settle down and not cry and cry and cry for me.
All babies are conceived and born. All babies will cry some tears. Mary had a baby so she knows how it is. Pray for us.
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