Tuesday, August 25, 2020


 Probably the thing I feel best about right now is my sponsorship of M_ a ten year old girl from Guatemala. I sponsored her so that this is one less child that will be lining up in the impossible line to try to get into the United States.  From my letters back and forth with her, it sounds as though she is working at school and helping her family.  I have only seen her picture, but I love her and her family. My little girl has been confined to home and is hoping to go back to school when the pandemic is over.

I have been very impressed by Unbound.  They have not sent me a million letters or seemingly have not sold my name to a million different charities.  Occasionally on a special holiday or birthday they will suggest an additional contribution, but without a lot of guilt or pressure.  This is not my usual experience with charities.

There are two other charities that I have contributed to in the recent past and I believe in their missions.  But, they send me continual letters and have sold my name.  If I hear once a week from a charity, they are spending too much on postage. It makes me mad to see money spent this way.

If you are looking for a charity, I recommend Unbound.  I like their mission and I like the way they conduct their business.  I can't do everything, but I can do something to make the world a little bit better.

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