Monday, August 24, 2020

Fantasy Life

 One of the things about months and months of largely staying safe and staying at home is that I have no travel plans. I have been to no entertainments. I am not bored. But, frustrated might be the right word. I want to do something new, see something new.  I want that something not to be on a computer. I want to see and do it for real.

I have thought about taking a drive somewhere, but I haven't decided where I might go and feel safe. I have thought about buying an RV or a bicycle or something that could allow me to go somewhere. I have thought about fencing my yard, adding a door to my garage and getting a dog. I have dreamed of trips I might take and places I might go. Is it worth dying for? That is the question I ask myself.

Sunday Mass is a dream of mine. Maybe I will try Saturday first. There haven't been reports of spreading the virus at Mass with the safety precautions around here. I wish they wouldn't sing at Mass. But, I am still praying about it.  I live across the river from St. Louis, there is the illusion that the virus has not spread as much here.  But a priest at a parish not a mile from my house had COVID, and I hope that he has recovered. So, I am still considering Mass.  I think I may try Confession first. I dream about it.

I realize that this is a very first world problem. Poor me, I can't travel, I am too afraid to go to Mass, even though I have many venues and times to choose from. I could buy an additional pet as a companion. I can take walks in the neighborhood. I don't have to work. But, I have a fantasy life where I travel and go to Mass and visit friends and make changes to my house.  And I do none of it.  But, one of these days, perhaps I will try something.  And maybe there will be a vaccine. I dream.

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