Saturday, August 22, 2020

The IRS Is Not My Favorite Government Agency

 So, I owed taxes this year.  I wrote a check and mailed it in June.  I wasn't waiting until the last minute.  I mailed the check at the post office because I don't trust checks in my curbside mailbox. I was being the responsible taxpayer.  I didn't do a wire transfer thing because someone else did my taxes and we were in a pandemic when I had things done.  I picked up the paperwork and didn't want to spend time in the office exchanging all the numbers for  the direct method. Mistake.

So, I got a letter from the IRS this week stating that I didn't pay my taxes and I owed a fine.  I was a little upset.  I was more than a little upset.  I called the person who did my taxes. She said that many clients were having the same problem.  Apparently between the pandemic and the stimulus payments the IRS is a little behind in opening their mail. Insert loud yell here. So they are sending out bills in case you owe the money.  But, couldn't the people who made out the bills have opened the mail instead?

I am not sure how to figure this out.  If I send them another check with the fine what if it just sits in a pile? If I am going to try the direct deposit route, what it they have already opened and cashed my check? If I send it certified mail, would that make a difference?  Has the whole world gone crazy?

Anyway, there are two things certain in life, death and taxes.  I suppose I am lucky to be alive and trying to deal with this mess.

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