Friday, August 21, 2020

Do You Want to Know a Secret?

Apparently, and not surprisingly, a great many people want to know a secret lately.  I get texts on a daily basis asking my opinions. Most of these opinions of mine lead to finding out who I plan to vote for in November. I don't talk to any of them.  I want to keep my opinions to myself.  I plan to vote.  I encourage you to vote.  Your vote is your voice and it is a great privilege.

I have lived long enough to know that people don't change their vote based on some rant on a blog or some social media page.  They shore up their opinions when they read something they agree with.  Sometimes they hate if they disagree. I don't want the hate.  I don't believe that I know enough to really tell anyone else who they should vote for.  But, I had one thing I wanted to share.

One thing I heard lately was that this person didn't need their leader to be a moral person. While I hold many beliefs in common with this person, I was shocked and appalled by this statement, as she would probably be with mine here.  I need for my leader to be a moral person, to have some sort of moral compass.  I don't have to necessarily totally agree with the morality of the leader.  They might hold a religious belief different from mine.  But, for me, some sort of moral values is essential.

Life presents many challenges.  Most of them I can't prepare for or know about ahead of time.  They happen.  The way I handle them is based on my moral compass.  I know what to do based on what I believe. How does a leader decided what to do if they have no values? So, my votes in November will be based on the people who have the strongest moral compass that agrees with my own values.  From their values, they can lead, they can be a servant to all which is what governing is.  I don't want a ruler.  I don't need a king or someone who acts like one, I want a public servant.  Don't ask me who I will vote for, tell me what you believe.

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