Thursday, July 30, 2020

First Holy Communion (Since March)

A week ago I went to daily Mass.  I had been watching on line the whole pandemic and recently my church started to stream the daily Mass from the church instead of the chapel.  I could see how many people were there and that they were wearing masks and distancing.  There were daily about 12 people at 7 am Mass.  My church is fairly big and it looked distanced and masked.  I picked a day that I didn't watch the grandson and went to Mass.

It felt safe. It felt both strange and familiar at the same time.  It felt like a long time ago and yesterday that I was at Mass.  Since I watch on line nearly every day, that was the truth.  But, Eucharist, receiving Jesus in my body, that had been missing.  That I had missed.  I had heavenly food last week.

I don't go to Mass on the weekends.  There are a lot of people and most or many of them are younger.  The church is fuller and they sing.  The weekend Mass takes longer.  I don't feel safe.  It feels like risk.  It feels like risk to go to the grocery store and I go.  I have a list and get in and out as fast as possible, but it is risk.  That is the thing about risk, which ones to take?

I discussed Mass with my spiritual director. She encouraged me to do what felt safe. I am not sure when I will be able to go to Mass in person again.  I will be full time watching the grandchildren by the time this appears.  I will have to drive to work instead of Mass.  But, regardless, I have received Jesus in my body and I was missing that with all my heart and soul.  It was like first holy Communion.

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