Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Around and Around

My brother came down from Chicago this past weekend.  He stayed with me a night and then we drove to Columbia to see my sister and mother. It is so different in this time of pandemic.  The roads were full.  I passed 2 tiny houses on the road to Columbia.  But stopping for gas and even eating at my sister's house were different.  It was too hot to eat or even visit outside.  We distanced in the house..

We trust each other.  We love each other and the visit was worth the risk.  But, extra considerations are necessary because Mom is 99.  My sister took her to live with her to try to escape both the isolation and the possible virus infection in the facility where she lived.  But, seeing anyone is a risk.  I think Mom is willing to take the risk.  But, most of the rest of us try to weigh caution with need or desire.

It was so good to get out of my house.  I started to dream of travel.  Maybe I could get a trailer or a tent.  Maybe I could visit a quilt store with my sister.  Maybe....but probably not.  The virus has picked up steam, not even waiting for a second wave in the fall.  There will be no tent camping or quilt stores visits.  Those things are daydreams.

So, I socially distance, wear a mask (and wish everyone would), wait for a vaccine, but try to make this my life and not just a period of waiting.  I used to get out and go places.  I used to travel.  I used to make plans.  Now I wait and the world goes around and around.

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