Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Tuesday Trips

In my current schedule Tuesday is one of my days off.  I schedule various appointments and shop early on Tuesdays. I have a Zoom meeting on Tuesday evening.  Tuesdays are pretty good days.  But, like everybody else I am getting fatigued with staying home due to the pandemic.  The times I have gone out I get concerned with the numbers of people who don't wear masks or distance themselves.  They act like there is nothing different, nothing going on around them.

I don't have that freedom.  I have several of the factors that make me a target for the virus.  I am old with conditions that leave me open to the worst effects.  I have type A blood.  I feel like the virus is creeping around like a snake trying to get me.  So, I hide.  It is all I have these days.

I am thinking about taking a drive today, Tuesday.  In my car I should be safe enough.  I can go out and see something different.  Perhaps I can find a different place to walk my imaginary dog.  If I stay out in the air, I should be safe enough.

I am looking at the map.  There are many small towns around and some nature areas.  Bug spray, sunscreen, some water to drink and snacks.  I think I will go off and take a trip somewhere today.  Not far away, just somewhere different, something else to think about.  Maybe I will have some places to talk about in future posts.

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