Friday, June 26, 2020

Quick Takes

So it is Friday and I didn't get around to logging in and posting this week beyond the posts up to Thursday.  I really thought I would, but it just didn't happen.  I thought I would revive the old quick take to summarize the week.

My grandson who is now two has suddenly made some leaps and bounds in development.  He is using words a little more firmly, as though he knows what he is talking about.  When he says "help" he really wants help.  His parents have finally figured out that Aboo means Peekaboo.  I named one of my parakeets Abu because it was his favorite game, but they didn't get it.

My son, his daddy, turned 40.  Makes me feel old.  I wasn't a teenager when I had him.  But I wasn't in y 30s either.  I made him cinnamon rolls for his birthday. It is too bad I am too fat, because I have discovered a love of baking with yeast.  I heard that the president wants to declare the pandemic over and stop testing and that gave me a really good idea.  If I declare that I have already lost 50 pounds and stop weighing I wonder how that would work?

People who wear masks care about my life and safety.  They make it possible for me to shop and visit places.  But the people who don't care keep me trapped in my house.  A few bad apples, so to speak.  My county is having a carnival and a July 4th fireworks display so I suspect in a few weeks the virus will run wild around here.

I have tomatoes growing on my little patio plant.  I had eleven at last count.  The $17 I paid for it may be worth it.  The tomato in my garden has not one bloom on it yet.  The rabbits are eating my hostas, my begonias, and my raspberry bush.  They are leaving the onions, oregano and thyme alone.  I think they are not Italian.

The grandson is waking up from his nap.  This is enough randomness for today.

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