Friday, June 19, 2020

Labor Pool

My grandson will be 2 tomorrow.  He is a little man of few words.  He communicates a lot, but talks not so much.  This is okay because I don't have to worry about him telling on me.  I have a plan in place and it is coming along nicely.  He is an active and willing participant in my scheme.

But, before I reveal my not so evil plot, let me give the background.  When my son was small, there was a book called something like How to Get Your Kids to Work at Home.  I read it and followed as much of it as was practical for me.  Lots of the games I played with my son involved folding laundry or cleaning out something.  This moved eventually to chores and finally responsibilities.  When my son went off to college, I lost my cleaner.

The grandson comes to my house a few days a week.  He is still pretty young.  I am not caring for a family with laundry to sort or dinner to cook.  But, I do have things that need doing.  So, the other day when it wasn't so hot, I had the almost 2 year old help me clean out my car.  Lots of stuff had gathered under the backseat and on the floor.  Grandson helped me pull out all the stuff and throw it away for the most part.  This sparked an idea.

When the grandson comes to my house to play, some of that play can be doing things that need to be done.  I am teaching him about watering the garden and picking up sticks from the backyard.  There are other things he can do.  He really does love to be a helper.  If things go according to plan, I will someday have a cleaner again.  And I don't even have to pay for his college.

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