Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Hope Springs Eternal

Last week I braved the Home Depot.  I needed something to handle water coming out the new drain spouts.  While I was there I decided to look at some garden stuff.  I had a list of things I might like to add to the gardens before the weather gets too hot to make adding anything a possibility.  I found some begonias which I have discovered my local rabbits won't eat. I got a hanging pot of petunias.  I love petunias but my local rabbits have eaten them to nubs every year since I have lived in this house.

Then I went to the bigger and more expensive garden additions.  I got a patio tomato.  It already had blooms.  The stepped on Big Boy plant that my son gave me is coming back, but not blooming yet.  I have hope for tomatoes this year.  Next I looked for a Knock Out Rose.  I only found yellow and that was not what I wanted, so I passed.  But a step away the siren song of berries called to me.  I wanted thorn-ed blackberries.  The rabbits have eaten my thorn-less blackberries to the ground every year.  No blackberries, but there were raspberries.  Raspberries, I like raspberries.  So I bought a plant, a raspberry bush.

I planted it near the thorn-less blackberry.  The rabbits are leaving both of them alone. Yay!  I am sure in short order that raspberry bush will grow into a painful pile of thorns and berries that the birds will feast on.  I am not lucky with my garden adventures.  But, hope springs eternal.

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