Friday, May 29, 2020

Walking My Imaginary Dog

When I last saw my doctor he advised me to get more exercise.  My cholesterol is up.  I am borderline diabetic despite dietary changes.  I had expected a better report.  I really did.  But, I had to admit that crawling around on the floor with a one year old was not great aerobic exercise.  I needed to go for a walk.

But, you know how it is.  I like to walk, but not when it is cold, or hot, or rainy, or windy, or too early, or too late.  In short, I have a lot of excuses.  I was telling my sister my woes.  She mentioned that getting a dog would get me out there, because I would have to do it everyday.  I pondered this because I really like dogs.  I like to train and walk dogs.  But, my yard isn't fenced and sometimes it snows and rains and sometimes I am busy.  I told her that I needed to try an imaginary dog first and see how that went.

Well, it didn't go well for a long long time.  That imaginary dog was neglected.  He probably imaginarily chewed up everything in my house not to mention the imaginary messes I had to clean up.  I got birds during the lock down to keep me company because even shelter dogs were hard to come by if you are at all picky and I am, picky.  But, lately, in part because that one year old in my life likes to walk around my block even a couple of times a day, I have been walking.  I try to do a mile.  If my imaginary dog has short legs, that is probably enough of a walk for it.

I have gained weight during the pandemic lock down.  I have not stuck with my diet well or even at all sometimes.  When I see my doctor again, I anticipate starting medications that I had been resisting.  It is what it is.  But, I am proud that my imaginary dog is getting back in shape.  There is nothing like walking the dog to get a little exercise.  I will have to see how it goes as the weather gets hotter or it rains or whatever, but for now, I am walking my dog.

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