Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Rock Star

I am a daycare provider for my almost 2 year old grandson.  His parents work from home when they aren't having a new baby, so I have been fortunate to continue to have contact with them.  Right now I bring this boy to my house 3 times a week to give the parents time with the new baby and to give my grandson an opportunity to get out of the house.  I have a playroom with a crib and a trike and lots of toys.  I never really grew up.  I like toys.

My grandson likes to play outside a lot.  We pick up sticks in the backyard.  He sits on his trike in the front yard.  He is a young man of few words, this grandson of mine.  But, one thing he always does is examine and pick up rocks.  I have rocks in my flower beds that were gifted to me by the previous owner of my house.  Lava rocks in the front and white rocks in the back is the general arrangement.  My grandson nearly always holds onto at least one of the rocks and brings it into my house.  Then as he is enticed by other toys, he leaves the rock somewhere.  I am always encountering the stray rock here or there.

On one level I get a little perturbed when I find a rock sitting beside the lamp or on the dining table or on the bathroom floor.  I throw them outside or in the trash or gather them to take care of later and still I find more rocks.  I am not sure what the rock collection is all about.  I will say, on this lonely day when I don't have my grandson over, it is making me smile to see this white rock sitting beside my mouse as I type this.  My grandson is a rock star.


Elaine said...

Those rocks are in demand now! Aren't you sorry you spent so many hours picking them out of that flower bed?

Your sister,

Mary said...

I would only regret picking out those rocks if I wanted them laying around my house.