Friday, January 7, 2022

Matter Is Neither Created.....

I sit on my couch and quilt.  The main equipment I use is a quilt hoop, a needle and thread.  A scissors and needle threader are also useful as well as a pin cushion and safety pins.   But the main things I need are a needle and thread.

I have learned over the years to pay attention to the location of the needle.  I have dropped a needle a time or two and found it very painfully.  Needles can get away easier than pins because they are thinner and sharper. They can ram far into one's feet or hands or bottom.  Don't ask me how I know this.  I will never tell.  You might be able to infer it though.

In October I lost a needle in the sofa.  I was working with it.  The needle dropped.  I knew it was gone immediately.  I felt around for it.  I removed cushions and covers. I felt gingerly around for the lost needle.  I didn't find it.  I wouldn't let anyone else sit on the sofa because of the lost needle. Whenever I cleaned, I looked for that needle.

I knew that needle was there somewhere. I learned in physics--matter is neither created nor destroyed. That is what I told my son whenever he lost something. I knew that the needle would appear someday.  I just hoped that it wouldn't come attached to a body part.

On the afternoon of New Years' Eve I was moving the current quilting project and sofa cover around when I spotted something shiny silver.  It was in the sofa cover.  It was the NEEDLE!  I found it.  What a relief.  Once again proving--matter is neither created nor destroyed.

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