Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow

 When I was first a librarian back in the 1970s, I used to put up bulletin boards on the walls of my library.  I changed them with the season.  After Christmas I would put up a winter bulletin board.  I found that following the display "Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow" we would almost always have a snowstorm that would result in a snow day.  I used to love snow days.

Back in Illinois, if one had enough snow days they would be considered "acts of God" and we would not have to make them up.  That was fun.  By the time I taught in Missouri, we had to take snow days out of summer vacation.  We made up every one.  I didn't care for snow days instead of a nice day in May or June.

But, now that I am retired and I can stay home by the fire so to speak, I don't mind a snow day.  When I don't have to go anywhere, snow is pretty.

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