Saturday, January 22, 2022

Boring Post for Saturday--The Work of Childhood

 I wasn't able to have my grandson come over last weekend.  He had been exposed to Covid and the weather was snowy, so Grandma was not going to see him.  I really miss him when he doesn't come.  When he comes we play and play and play.  There is never enough time to do all the playing that we want to do.

I am just a big kid.  I love all the toys which is why I have them.  I try to think of anything new and different to add to the supply.  My grandson has his favorites.  He likes musical instruments.  He loves little houses and cars and trucks.  He likes the manger scene that plays music.  In the basement he has an office set up, an exercise set up, and some other little things that he likes to take out and examine.  There just isn't time to do it all.

Play is the work of childhood.  I want to keep playing with him as long as I can.

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