Tuesday, December 7, 2021

One or Two Things

I sometimes run into the store thinking that I will get one or two things. Most recently I wanted a watering can, drill bits, and a needle threader.  I realize that is an eclectic mix of things.  When the place I decided to run into was Mr. Waltons' store, I added hot chocolate to the list.  LOL

An hour later when I emerged from the store I had 2 Christmas stockings, a game, some candy, graham crackers, chocolate bits, wrapping paper, glasses of the drinking variety, several children's books, the needle threader, the drill bits, the cocoa mix, but no watering can (they weren't out this time of year). And there was some other stuff I have forgotten. It is just so tempting to get other things while I am there.

In that way, ordering on line is better.  I usually only get what was on the list when I order on line.  It saves time and money.  I like to have things delivered to my door.  It is so easy.  I do it too often. In the olden days I would have done without.

But, of course when I got home, I ordered the watering can and a couple of Christmas gifts I had been thinking about. It seems this time of year just requires spending money.  I never stop with just one or two things.

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