Monday, October 18, 2021

Old Friends, Times Past


Once upon a time and for less than a year, I lived in this eye-popping room.  I hear that the room got painted and the house was sold and so this is one of the last proofs of this time.  I was in the worst time of my life when I lived there.  I was getting a divorce.  Someone tried to prove I was insane. (Perhaps the room might have made me crazy if I were prone to that.) I was fearful for my life.  I was trying to continue my career.

But, in this house, I was loved.  We took care of a young man in a vegetative state.  There were nurses. The house owner, my friend, had stage 4 cancer and she was gone within a couple of years.  But, living with her at the end of her life was a gift.  She was such a happy, hopeful person.

I moved on to a rental house and then this house I bought after I lived there at that house with the crazy walls. But, living there in that house was among the happiest 6 months of my life.

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