Monday, September 20, 2021

As the Worm Turns

 I remember one afternoon when I was in high school commenting that I saw in the newspaper that it was Sophia Loren's birthday.  I don't remember which ne it was.  But, the  reason I remember that particular afternoon is that my mom asked, "Who is that?" I repeated the name and my mom drew a blank.  She didn't know who Sophia Loren was.  Since Sophia Loren was a lot older than I was, I presumed that my mom should know someone I viewed as her generation.  I asked Mom about several actresses and she knew none of them.  She had no idea who the current celebrities were.

I always thought, "I will never be that way.  I will always know who the current celebrities are."  Well, I don't.  I was watching the Emmies last night and I knew very few of those people.  All the young women looked the same.  All the young men looked the same.  I have to say I was pleased to see so many men step up and dress in outlandish costumes.  It always seemed so boring to see men in black tuxedos and women showing as much skin as they possibly could or dressing like dead birds.

I don't know the young actresses and actors of today.  I don't know many of them.  I have become my mother. (Well, my mother is still living, but at 100 she knows none of them.)  The worm has turned.

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