Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Accepting the Things I Cannot Change

 My trash didn't get picked up Labor Day Week.  That led to a week of flies being born in the trash container which led to flies in my house.  It made me mad.  But, I have learned this thing--let it go.  I couldn't really do anything about it.  They wouldn't come get the trash on Sunday.  I wasn't even the only house skipped.  I could see other cans up and down the street.  But, getting angry and staying angry could not change the situation.

So, I got some fly paper.  I put the trash cans out early on Thursday the next week. I let it go.  It was only a temporary problem.  I have learned this--weigh how long lasting and permanent the problem is.  Weigh whether there is any useful thing to do about the situation.  Accept that sometimes stuff happens.  This too shall pass.

But, I am not a fan of the flies.

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