Thursday, February 11, 2021

Thankful Thursday

 I used to do a thankful Thursday.  Since I restarted the blog, I haven't done things the way I used to do them.  But, today, on the week before Lent begins, as I consider the changes I might try to make in my life, I will do a Thankful Thursday.

Today I am thankful for my dad.  He passed away on February 15, 1982.  He has been gone a long time.  But, his voice, his example still reverberate through my life.  Dad was a favorite and oldest son. He was a crowd pleaser, a hale fellow, well met, as they say. He was smart, but not brilliant.  He had wide interests and he was creative in those.

Dad was an English teacher, a principal and superintendent, a hobby farmer, a house builder, a traveler, a newspaper publisher, an elected official, a man of church and of community organizations.  But, he was a father first, I think.  I am like him in so many ways.  And different in so many others.

For me, my dad was the one person who loved me unconditionally.  When I faced leaving my marriage I imagined talking to my dad about it.  I knew beyond any doubt that my dad would tell me to leave and offer me a place to stay. He wouldn't want me to put up with the situation I was in.  He wouldn't want me to live in fear and anguish. My dad would protect me.

I am thankful for my dad. I am thankful that his love still carries me through even though he left life a long time ago.  I look forward to meeting him in Heaven someday.  I look forward to the laughs we will have and the joy of being together again.

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