Saturday, November 7, 2020

Boring Post--Bulldog Lady

 I am a reader of mysteries.  I haven't been able to read them as much in recent years because of eye problems.  But, God has gifted me with a little mystery that is being pulled apart piece by piece.  The lady I meet on my walks who was walking a bulldog was later seen walking a black lab. It turns out she doesn't own a dog, she dog sits for family members.  We have spoken and exchanged names.  I will call her Margie for the blog.

Margie always speaks to me when she is out and I am walking past.  She also watches her grandchildren, but not full time.  She likes to talk to people on walks.  I surmise that she is lonely sometimes.  Aren't we all? I am her favorite walker she has told me.  (Because I am old and slow). 

I am starting to think from our scattered conversations that perhaps Margie is a recent widow. She is handling all the yardwork, but seems to be learning how to do things. She told me that she needs to look up when to cut back the rose bushes. She is mowing the lawn herself. There are two nice vehicles in her garage which makes me imagine that one might have been her husband's car. I have only seen her drive the car, not the SUV that is in there.

That is all I know about Margie so far.  I have enjoyed coming to know her and speculate about the circumstances of her life. 

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