My grandson in an outdoors boy. I kind of hope that he doesn't become a hunter. I must encourage photography instead. But, if he hunts, I will love him anyway. These days it is just "Go outside." He will repeat it again and again until you give him a firm reason why not. He has coaxed his parents into eating dinner outside even in moderately cold weather.
When he comes to my house usually the first thing he wants to do is go around the block. These days it is usually on the tricycle which he doesn't pedal well yet. It is an arduous process getting around the block with him. He always stops and gets off to pet the large blue spruce tree along the way.
I try to teach him about the natural things we see as we progress around the block. Sometimes it seems like folly to try to teach a two year old. But, I realize that I have always had some deep knowledge of the natural world that I can't remember being taught. Somebody must have told me when I was very young.
I hope that my grandson always appreciates the natural world. I hope that he gets to spend a lot of time going outside.
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