Saturday, September 19, 2020

Boring Post--The Nineteenth Century Gossip

 My sister says she figured out the links between Sara and William who were cousins it turns out.  Sara's son married William's widow.  It ties the families together and makes us most definitely Dutch. The tricky part is that Johannes, the grandfather of those people moved to Canada.  He may have been a Tory.  That is fine.  I have plenty of patriots in the ancestry and William himself fought in the War of 1812. William died young leaving a widow and several children.  She married William's cousin John Houck and had more children with him.

William's oldest son, Andrew William married and migrated to Ohio and then Illinois. His son ended up in Oklahoma and his son moved back to Illinois where his son, my father lived out his life.  They were pioneers, sons of patriots, fighters in wars, makers of peace, fathers of many children.  I understand the genealogy of Jesus when it comes up in the readings a lot more when I consider my own background.

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