Thursday, August 27, 2020


 I was recently talking to a friend of mine.  We happened to meet up on a public street, and socially distanced. We talked about various people and things and caught up about our kids.  Then the discussion turned to the virus.  She expressed the opinion that after the election the virus will all go away.  That it has been over played. That it is just an excuse to mess up the election.

She said hospitals are lying about the death count to get more money.  That not so many people get the virus and most people don't have any symptoms.  It just effects a few people and it isn't any worse than the seasonal flu.  I didn't even know what to say to her.

Is the virus all lies?  If we had done nothing, would it all go away?  I just don't believe that.  I believe we are in the middle of a dangerous pandemic.  That the virus is a threat throughout the world.  But, I considered for a minute, could it all be lies?

I don't believe that it could be.  But, talking to this friend made me see the thinking of the people who aren't worried and think it is all hype.  It scares me to think there are people who have their minds set that way.  I guess I will see after the election if it was all hype and the virus goes away.  If it does, I will be glad.  But, still sad for the people who died from it.

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