When I brought the grandson to my house 3 days a week, it was easy. When he napped, which is still 2 times a day, I rested or worked on something else. I had down time. Now when I get him down, the baby wakes up. She is not a very sleepy baby. So, I have very little down time. Also, the baby is a, well, a baby. She has demands. She is an easy baby, but she is 4 months old. She lacks patience, communication skills and control of her body. This is normal for a baby, but it is a lot of work for the people around her. The good news is, she is growing and changing every day. I am betting she will be sitting up and even crawling by Thanksgiving. Then, look out! But, at least her nap schedule will have improved by then. I count on my daughter in law for that. She is very skilled at managing her children.
In summary, I am tired. But I am blessed. I dreamed of grandchildren for so long, just dreamed. And now I get to see them and hold them and care for them almost every day. I am blessed.
In other news, I continue to walk the neighborhood or the imaginary dog, if you will. We are both getting imaginarily fitter. I love to walk to the creek and hear the water. It gives me a goal in the walking. I am hanging in there with the parakeets. I have many times nearly decided that the allergies are too bad and I can't do it anymore, and then I think about my empty house. The parakeets bring me both joy and sinus issues.
We had some really cool weather earlier in the week. I mean really cool. It seems like a dream to almost feel chilly at the beginning of August. It made for nice walking. Life goes on, maybe there will be a vaccine, or people will start wearing masks, or staying home more. I would love it if we would not reach the death goals. So much to worry about, so much to be thankful for. I am trying to choose thanks over the fear.
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