Friday, July 3, 2020

In love

Last week my daughter in law gave me a special surprise gift.  She let me hold her daughter, my grand daughter for the firsts time.  This kid was born in early April, so I wasn't sure when I would be able to meet her.  Even though I saw her a lot, I found without holding her, just just didn't seem real.  I wasn't in love with her.

The grandson and I played pretend baby with a Cabbage Patch baby I have.  We taught her leg lifts and changed her diapers.  We played peek a boo with the baby.  When the grandson lifted his shirt to pretend feed the doll, I showed him the toy bottle substitute that I had which was a white mustard bottle.  He liked feeding the baby with it so much that he decided to feed himself.  Still, I loved the grand daughter about the same amount as the doll until I held her.

She is a good sized baby with good neck control and eyes that follow.  She will be smart and beautiful and kind.  She will learn some of that from her brother.  He already has a kind heart.  But, regardless of anything else, I love her.  She is a special gift from God.

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