Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Writing Posts in my Head

I have been a long time blogger. Lately, I have jumped the tracks and not posted much.  But, lots of posts have been written in my head.  Some of the posts are angry reactions to things I have remembered or happened.  Those are typically ones I usually didn't really write and post or tried not to, even back in the day when I posted daily.  But, some are charming little pieces related to thoughts about things I have encountered. I would have liked to have written them, but I didn't and now they are gone from by brain.  I have moved on.

Blogging has taught me to think about things in essay format.  I think about the beginning, the middle and the end.  I consider the topic and what feelings I want to impart.  It is rather amusing.  And perhaps rather sad. Or pathetic.  Or maybe just human.

I am learning very slowly to give myself a break, to love myself and find myself acceptable.  I am human.  I am writing about the human condition, my condition.  I have made mistakes.  I have tried to find my authentic self. I have stretched and grown.  Writing it down in a little essay helps that growth.  I want to remind myself to sit down and write these little essays instead of just considering them in my head.

1 comment:

Dawn said...

I think you are just human. Not sad or pathetic.