Sunday, February 8, 2009

Pray for These--

O Heavenly Lord, You have the power to send the snow and the wind and the rain, only You have power over us all. We worship and honor You and give You thanks. We acknowledge Your might and Your mercy to us. Like the children we are we ask for our longings, our desires and our needs, that You might once again prove Your glory over all things.
For people suffering in this season of cold and through harsh economic times, for light to dawn and hope to be rekindled.
For promotion of the Gospel through all the earth.
For peace in our world today.
For comfort for the weary and old and lonely.
Holy Spirit, stir us up and make us more truly Yours each day. Help our longings turn our eyes to You. We ask in the name above all names, through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen

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